Import Stream Configuration Dialog


This dialog is displayed when the Import from csv file option is selected from the context menu on the Observed or Forecast tab in a time series data object. It is used to:

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Import Stream Configuration Dialog

Dialog description



Input file has header row

Determines whether or not the first row in the imported file is the header row.

If checked (default), the first row in the csv file will appear as entries in the CSV column and as options in the adjacent dropdown lists.

If unchecked, the CSV column and dropdown list will contain text, 'Column' and a number which corresponds to their column position in the csv file.

TSD field A read-only list of all Observed or Forecast TSD fields.
CSV column

If the Input file has header row box is checked, the names in the header row will be displayed in the order they appear in the CSV file. If the Input file has header row box is unchecked, the text, 'Column 1', 'Column 2' and so on will appear in the CSV column list. The number corresponds to the data column order in the csv file.

By default, each entry in the CSV column is automatically mapped according to its order in the csv file to the fields in the TSD grid. Mappings can be changed by selecting a different option from the dropdown list.

Note that the mappings to the TSD field's TSD Latest update, Latest data, Records and Original time are read-only and cannot be changed.

Load config

Displays a Windows Open window from which you can select an existing configuration file. The settings in the selected cfg file will be used for the TSD/CSV mappings.

Save config

Displays a Windows Save As window enabling you to save the current settings to a configuration file. You can specify the name for the configuration file which will be saved with a cfg file extension.
Clear grid Removes all entries from the CSV column. The imported options in the dropdown lists remain.
Test import Processes the file without actually importing any data stream configurations. Any possible errors in the data such as, duplicate stream names (names must be unique for both forecast and observed streams in a TSD), data sources referred to in the CSV file that are not defined on the Data sources tab, and unrecognised or missing units, will be displayed on the screen.

Imports the configuration data to the Observed or Forecast tab, and saves the TSD.

Imported streams are added at the end of existing ones on the grid.

Cancel Cancels the import operation.

See Scalar times series data for information for about using this dialog.

Scalar times series data