Commit Details Dialog

This dialog displays more detail about what changes were made to the database during a single commit operation. It is displayed when you click Details on the Commit History dialog when viewing the commit history of a network.

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It is possible to edit commit comments. Old versions of the comments can be saved and InfoAsset Manager provides a full audit trail of comment edits.

Initially the Comments edit box displays the most recent commit comment for the version the user selected in the Commit History dialog.

Changes can be made to this comment :

A time-stamped line stating the user responsible for the update is displayed at the bottom of the dialog if there have been changes saved (at any time) to a commit comment . Click to display older versions of the comments. If displaying an older comment the edit box is read-only and grayed out. Clicking displays the next most recent comment.

See Viewing the Commit History for more details.

Viewing the Commit History

Committing Your Changes

Commit History Dialog