Data Type Key

This page describes the various data types used by InfoAsset Manager. This information is particularly useful when you are importing or exporting CSV data.

Data Type Code



This is a fixed length text field. The absolute maximum length is 255 characters. However, most fields will have a shorter maximum length. For example, object names are usually 30 or 32 characters. Descriptions are usually 80 characters.

To find the maximum size for a specific field, look in the Size column in the table on the appropriate Data Fields page.


All floating point number have this type. Every floating point number will have a precision assigned to it. Look in the Precision column in the table on the appropriate Data Fields page.


Usually seen in the interface as a check box, but could be some other either/or combination such as True/False or Yes/No.

  • When exporting to CSV, True is exported as 1, False as 0
  • When importing from CSV, 1 y or Y will be interpreted as True, anything else is interpreted as False


Stores whole numbers, positive or negative.


This is a variable length text field that can hold up to a maximum of approximately 64,000 characters. It is used for Notes and some other fields.


This can contain an array of values, or the data for a sub-object. The possible sub-types are:

  • Value - contains an array of values of the specified data type.
  • Structure - contains a series of data fields defining a sub-object of some sort. On the appropriate Data Fields page you will see a sub-table listing the contents of the structure.

See the CSV File Formats topic for more information on how this data appears in a CSV file.

Date / Time

Dates and times are exported to CSV as a text string with the information in the format specified by the locale set on your computer.

Long Integer

Can hold larger numbers than the integer type.


This is a 16-byte binary number, which may be represented as a 32-byte hexadecimal character string, with or without hyphens and curly brackets.








With hyphens



With hyphens and curly brackets


By default a GUID field will be exported as a Standard 32-byte hexadecimal character string.

CSV File Formats