Digitisation Default Selection Dialog

This dialog is used to select the templates stored in a Digitisation Template to be used for setting default values when new network objects are created.

To display the dialog for Collection Networks, select Digitisation defaults | Collection from the Tools menu.

To display the dialog for Distribution Networks, select Digitisation defaults | Distribution from the Tools menu.

ClosedShow me

Example of Digitisation Default Selection Dialog for a Collection Network

Drag the Digitisation Template containing the templates to be used for setting default values into the Digitisation Template selection box.

The template to be used for each network object may be mapped to an object type by selecting from the dropdown list in the Template column of the grid. Each dropdown list contains only those templates from the selected Digitisation Template that correspond with the object type in the row.


Once the templates have been mapped, they will be used when creating all new objects as long as the Initialise New Objects with Digitisation Default Values box on the General Page of the GeoPlan Properties dialog has been checked.

Digitisation Templates

GeoPlan Properties - General Page