Exporting Data to GeoDatabase

The Open Data Export Centre allows data to be exported from InfoAsset Manager to a variety of formats including ESRI geodatabases.

In addition to exporting data to a new Feature Class, the Open Data Export Centre can be used to update an existing Feature Class.

Exporting to a New Feature Class

The Open Data Export Centre can be used to export InfoAsset Manager tables to a new Feature Class in a Geodatabase. Further details of export options are listed in the Open Data Export Centre topic.

To export to a new Feature Class:

  1. In the Open Data Export Centre Dialog select the InfoAsset Manager table to be exported from the Table To Export Data From dropdown.
  2. Select the Geodatabase or File Geodatabase option from the Export Type dropdown in the Export Data To section.

    Note: this option is only available with a 64 bit version of InfoAsset Manager.

  3. Use the File browse button to search for an existing Geodatabase (or Feature Dataset). Alternatively, type in the path to the Geodatabase. Specification of a Feature Dataset is optional.
  4. Type in the Feature Class to be exported.
  5. Map InfoAsset Manager internal fields to Feature Class export fields by loading a configuration file or by manually mapping the fields in the Field Mapping Grid. (By default, object geometry will be exported to a field named FGeom. A user defined geometry field name may be specified by mapping a Field Type of Geometry.)
  6. Click the Export button.

InfoAsset Manager data will be exported to the specified Feature Class. If the Geodatabase (or Feature Dataset if specified) does not exist, it will be created and the Feature Class added.

Updating an Existing Feature Class

In addition to exporting data to a new Feature Class, the Open Data Export Centre can be used to update an existing Feature Class.

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To update an existing Feature Class:

  1. In the Open Data Export Centre dialog, select an existing Geodatabase Feature Class via the File browse button in the Export Data To section. The Feature Class (and Feature Dataset if applicable) will be displayed in the dialog and the Updating and Delete Options section will become enabled.
  2. Map InfoAsset Manager internal fields to Feature Class export fields by loading a configuration file or by manually mapping the fields in the Field Mapping Grid. In the Field Mapping Grid:
  3. Map update keys - select the fields to be used to locate items for update in the specified Feature Class. The Update Based On dropdown list contains all update mapping options applicable to the current Table to be Exported:
  4. Set Only Update Existing Objects option:
  5. Set Delete Missing Objects option:
  6. Set Update using changes from a previous version of the network option:

    • Check the Update using changes from a previous version of the network box to compare the current version of the network with a selected previous version of the network. Differences in objects, identified by the comparison, will be applied to the external data table.

  7. Click the Export button to export data from InfoAsset Manager to the specified Feature Class. All fields, except mapped update keys will be updated in the Feature Class.


Errors and warnings may be displayed after export listing details of row objects that have not been updated. Examples of reasons for update failures are listed below.

After carrying out a deletion, a summary of the export process is displayed including a count of items deleted from the target database.

The summary provides information on the following:

Open Data Export Centre

Exporting SQL Expressions

Exporting Array Data

Exporting Data to XML

Exporting Data to Oracle

Exporting Data to SQL Server