Long Section Window Toolbar

This toolbar allows you to perform a large variety of tasks in the Long Section Window:

Long Section Toolbar

The following commands are available from the toolbar:

Toolbar icon Description of Functionality

Previous Page

Go to the previous page of the Long Section Window.


Page box

Indicates which page is currently being displayed on the Long Section Window

You can open a different page by selecting it in the drop-down list.

Next Page

Go to the next page of the Long Section Window.

Previous Branch

Go to the previous branch.


Branch box

Indicates which branch is currently being displayed on the Long Section Window.

You can display the Long Section Window of a different branch by selecting that branch ID in the drop-down list.


Next Branch

Go to the next branch.

Horizontal Flip

Flip the Long Section Window horizontally, along the vertical axis. This reverses the direction in which the long section is being viewed.



Select in the GeoPlan all the objects in the current Long Section Window page.


Nodes Grid

Nodes Grid

Opens a Nodes Grid of all the nodes in the current Long Section Window page.


Links Grid

Links Grid

Opens a Links Grid of all the pipes in the current Long Section Window page.

River Reach Sections Grid

River Reach Sections Grid

Not available in InfoAsset Manager.

Long Section Window

Displaying a Long Section 

Displaying Object Labels on the Long Section 

GeoPlan Window

Long Section Grid Windows

Section Properties Dialog

Defining Branches