Saving Custom Labels

The current set of custom labels on the GeoPlan Window or the Long Section Window can be saved in a Label List.

Label Lists

Label Lists are slightly different to most other database items. You cannot create an empty Label List using the New menu item. You must first set up one or more labels on the GeoPlan Window or Long Section Window. You can then save the Label List as a new database item.

The saved Label List can be applied to a network or long section. You may wish to apply:

The information saved in a Label List includes:

The data fields displayed on Custom Labels in the GeoPlan Window are determined by the current Custom Label Settings.

Just like any other database item you could also copy Label Lists between databases.

Custom Labels

GeoPlan Window

Displaying Labels on the GeoPlan

Custom Label Settings Dialog

Displaying Object Labels on the Long Section

Displaying Custom Labels on the Long Section