Updating Data Using SQL

InfoAsset Manager includes the SQL keywords SET and UPDATE that allow network data to be modified using an SQL expression.

See SQL Syntax for more information on keywords.

See the SQL Examples section for further examples of the use of SQL in InfoAsset Manager.

Updating the Current Object Type

The SET keyword  can be used on its own or in conjunction with a WHEREsub-clause to update the current object type chosen in the Object type field of the SQL Dialog.

The syntax is as follows:


Click on the images to reveal the examples.

Example 1 Closed

Example 2 Closed

Updating a Different Object Type

The UPDATE keyword is used in conjunction with the SET and WHERE keywords to update objects of one or more types; not necessarily the type selected in the Object type list on the SQL Dialog.

Separate multiple assignments in the same statement by commas and separate multiple statements by semicolon as described in the Updating the Current Object Type section above.

Click on the images to reveal the examples.

Example 1 Closed

Example 2 Closed

SQL Syntax

Selecting Objects Using SQL

SQL and Connected Objects

SQL and Array Data

SQL and Spatial Searches

SQL Examples