Changing Layer Order for Network Objects

You can change the order in which network objects are drawn on the GeoPlan Window.

InfoAsset Manager objects do not exist in separate GeoPlan GIS layers, but the drawing order within the InfoAsset Manager network layer can affect how the objects are viewed on the screen. Objects that are drawn last will draw over previously drawn objects if they occupy the same location on the screen.

Being able to change the drawing order can help you to view important data more clearly. For example, if nodes are drawn after pipes, details of a pipe theme may be obscured, especially if the pipes are short and the nodes are crowded, or use large symbols.

The drawing order is defined by the order of rows on the Layers and Themes Page of the GeoPlan Properties dialog. Object types at the top of the list are drawn last.

To change the drawing order:

  1. Right-click on the GeoPlan Window and choose Properties & Themes.
  2. The Layers and Themes tab of the GeoPlan Property dialog is displayed.
  3. Select the object types you want to move in the drawing order by clicking the grey numbered cell on the left of the row. You can use the shift and Ctrl keys to select more than one object. See Editing Data in the Network Object Grid Window for more on selecting rows.
  4. Click the up ( ) or down ( ) arrows to move the order of the selected object layers. The higher up the list you go, the later the objects will be drawn. The object type at row 1 will be drawn last, and so will be on top of everything else.

Changing the drawing order of object layers on the Layers and Themes Page (image from InfoWorks ICM)

GeoPlan Window

GeoPlan Properties Dialog

Editing Data in the Network Object Grid Window