Network summary

A comprehensive summary of the network can be displayed in the Network Overview View. The summary displays an overview of the entire network. If there is a current selection, the summary also includes information about the selection.

To display the summary:

  1. Open the network
  2. If required, select one or more polygons in the network
  3. Choose Network Overview from the Network menu.

Network Overview Contents

The view is split in two. The left hand side displays a general overview of the network. The right hand side, which can be hidden or shown as required, shows more specific details of a particular area or type of data.

General Overview

The General Overview on the left hand side of the view consists of one or more columns. The first column always displays a summary of the entire network. If there is a current selection the second column displays a summary of objects in the selection.

Note that if there is a polygon in the current selection, the second column displays a summary of objects within the selected polygon and does not include other selected objects. See Polygons and Network Summaries for further information.

The name at the left end of the row describes the information provided adequately, so the parameters are not described here.

Additional Information

The Additional Information section on the right hand side displays more details about specific areas or parameters selected from the General Overview.

Select which part of the network is covered by the Additional Information section by clicking the column header for the entire network column or selection column (if displayed) in the General Overview section. The Additional Information section now displays details of that part of the network.

The upper box gives topographical information about the selected area.

The lower section displays tabular and pie chart data about one of four pipe parameters - Length, Size, Year, or Materials selected by using the radio buttons in the Mains box.

Use the radio buttons in the Graph box to decide which parameter is displayed in the pie chart.


The overview information can be printed by selecting Print from the File menu.

The print option does more than just produce an image of the window. It prints all the summary data, not just the data that is currently visible, in a series of easy to view tables.


Network Overview View

Polygons and Network Summaries