Running multiple instances

You can run more than one instance of the InfoWorks WS Pro application on the same machine, but all of the instances must be using the same master database.

InfoWorks WS Pro uses keys in the registry to keep track of the current database. If you try to work with two databases at once these keys will become confused and you will have problems in several areas like running simulations. The simulation engine is a separate program that looks in the registry to find information about the current master database.

Different InfoWorks WS Pro versions

It is perfectly OK to run different versions of InfoWorks WS Pro in parallel. These use different parts of the registry and they will operate completely independently.

The InfoWorks WS Pro installer will not allow you to install a new version of InfoWorks WS Pro in a different location to a current version unless the two versions can operate independently. For example, if you try to install version 7.1 on a computer that already has version 7.0 installed, the installer will only allow you to upgrade the existing installation. If you want to change the location, you must completely un-install v7.0 first.