Adjust Cell(s) Value dialog

This dialog allows you to alter the numerical values of one or more fields by adding or subtracting a fixed value or percentage, or multiplying or dividing by a fixed value.

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Enter the value to be used when altering the contents of the selected cells. Then select the method you want to use to adjust the cell values from the following:

Adjust by an absolute value

The amount entered is either added to or subtracted from each of the selected cells.

Adjust by a percentage

Each of the selected cells is adjusted by either adding or subtracting the percentage entered.

Multiply by a factor

Each of the selected cells is multiplied by the factor entered.

Divide by a factor

Each of the selected cells is divided by the factor entered.

If the option chosen was either Adjust by an absolute value or Adjust by a percentage, select the adjustment method:


Adds the value specified (as an absolute figure or a percentage) to each selected cell.


Subtracts the value specified (as an absolute figure or a percentage) from each selected cell.

Please Note

For integer cells, non-integer values are rounded towards zero. For example, a value of 3.6 is rounded down to 3 while a value of -3.6 is rounded up to -3.

Click OK to make the adjustments or Cancel to abandon the changes.

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