Filter Options dialog

The Filter Options dialog is used to set filters for which to show network objects in a grid.

The dialog is displayed when the Filter option is selected from a network grid view context menu. The dialog displays the name of the column the filter applies to (this is the column that has been clicked on).

ClosedShow image

Filter Options Dialog

A condition (or criterion) consists of a comparison operator and a value. The list of operators can be selected in the top dropdown list. The value to use for the operator can be typed in the box on the right or selected from the corresponding dropdown list (click the Down Arrow button button) that is populated with a list of unique values from the column. A maximum of 10000 values are allowed.

Up to two conditions can be simultaneously applied. The pair of boxes above the radio buttons are used to set the first condition (comparison operator + value) whereas the second condition is optional and can be specified in the pair of boxes below the radio buttons:

The list of available operators is given below:



does not equal

is greater than

is greater than or equal to

is less than

is less than or equal to

begins with

does not begin with

ends with

does not end with


does not contain

Once filter conditions have been set, click OK on the dialog to apply them to the grid.

The corresponding grid displays with the conditions being applied and a Filter sign in its header to indicate the presence of filtered data.

Miscellaneous notes

Network Object Grid Views

Autofiltering Grid Data