SQL dialog - Grid page

This page of the SQL dialog is used to set up a grid of the query results. You can export the resultant grid to a comma separated variable file which you can load into a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel.

The page is opened by clicking the Grid tab on the SQL dialog.

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SQL Grid page

Item Description
Fields list
Field List of fields that can be shown on the grid.

A hyphen indicates that a field will not be shown on the grid.

Yes indicates that a field will be shown on the grid.

You change a hyphen to Yes by highlighting a field name in the Field column, then clicking Include.

You change Yes to a hyphen by highlighting a field name in the Field column, then clicking Exclude.

You can make multiple selections in the Field column using the Shift and Ctrl keys in the usual ways.

Include Includes the field currently highlighted in the Field column.
Exclude Excludes the field currently highlighted in the Field column.
Test Grid Shows the results of the query on the grid (if any). For details of the grid, see Results grid window (SQL query results).
Other controls See SQL dialog.

SQL and stored queries