Setting the remote roots locations

Some  master database data is not stored in the database file itself, but as separate files in remote root directories.

Remote root directories do not have to be on the same drive, or even the same machine, as the database.

Remote root directories are set by the Administrator. Editing of remote root locations is restricted to database owners when user permissions are enabled and the Protect Global Settings option is on.


Everyone working with a particular master database should use the same remote root directories.

Remote root locations are set by the Administrator:

To set remote root locations:

  1. Choose File | Master database settings | Set remote roots. This displays the Set Remote Roots dialog.
  2. Set locations for each remote root by typing the pathname of the directory, or browse for a directory by using the Browse button.

Files will be stored in a sub-directory of the specified remote root. The sub-directory name is the unique database identifier for the master database.


Set Remote Roots dialog