Manage Layout Dialog

This dialog is displayed when you select the Layout | Manage layouts option from the Configuration menu on the Object Properties Window Toolbar.

It is used to manage the database layouts for the Object Properties Window. It allows you to select a layout to be loaded, saved or deleted.

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Dialog description



Layout list

A list of all defined layouts. When a layout is selected from the list, its name will appear in the Selected layout box.

A Factory default and a Factory default InfoAsset Online database layout are available for selection in the Layout list box. These layouts consist of unmodified layouts or factory settings for all objects in the InfoAsset Manager and InfoAsset Online databases.

Note that the Factory default InfoAsset Online layout is only available in InfoAsset Online.

Selected layout

This is used to display the name of the layout currently selected in the Layout list, or to specify the name of a new layout.


Loads the layout, whose name is displayed in the Selected layout box, from the database.


Loading a Factory default or a Factory default InfoAsset Online will reset all local layouts back to their factory settings. Saved database layouts will not be reset. See Using the Object Properties Window for information about database and local layouts.


Saves the layout, whose name is displayed in the Selected layout box, to the database.


Deletes the layout, whose name is displayed in the Selected layout box, from the Layout list. Note that the Factory default and the Factory default InfoAsset Online layout cannot be deleted.


Closes the window and saves any changes.

See Using the Object Properties Window for information about using this dialog.

Using the Object Properties Window

Object Properties Window Toolbar