Object Properties Window Toolbar

This toolbar allows you to perform a large variety of tasks in the Object Properties Window:

Object Properties Window

The following commands are available from the toolbar:

Toolbar icon Description of Functionality

Backward / Previous

Go backwards, to the previous item in the Object Properties Window DropTree.

Forward / Next

Go forward, to the next item in the tree.


Displays a list of the objects to which the displayed object is connected. You can then click on an object in the list and display the properties for that object.

Available options are:

  • Backward - go backwards to the previous item in the Object Properties Window DropTree
  • Forward - go forwards to the next item in the tree
  • History - displays a list of most recent items navigated to
  • To associated objects - displays a list of objects associated with the displayed object
  • To components objects - displays a list of objects which are components of the displayed object
  • Downstream to - displays a list of objects connected immediately downstream of displayed object
  • Upstream to - displays a list of objects connected immediately upstream of displayed object
  • Show all in grid - displays all connected upstream and downstream objects and all related objects in a grid view

See Navigating Round Associated Objects.

Select and Find

Use this button to select in the GeoPlan Window the object whose details are displayed on the Object Properties Window. InfoAsset Manager will then zoom in or out on the GeoPlan Window, so that:

  • the view is centred on the selected object
  • enough surrounding details are displayed that the object can be seen in context

Commit History

Displays the Commit History dialog, which shows the history of changes to a network, or a single network object, that have been committed to the database.

Show Results

Toggles between network object property view and results property view.

This button is a toggler and is pressed down (blue colour) if the Show Simulation Results Properties when available button of the Object Properties Window Settings dialog is ticked. In this case, and if there are results associated with the current network, the Object Properties Window will first display the results properties and the user can toggle to the corresponding network object properties view, by using this button, which will then revert to its normal state (not pressed, not blue).


The Show Results button is only enabled if the object has related results and if the corresponding simulation is loaded onto the current GeoPlan. The button is always disabled in InfoAsset Manager.

Time series links

Displays a list of the data streams to which the displayed object is linked. The data stream may be part of a TSD object or the Infinity System. Selecting an item in the list displays the associated time series data in a graph. Selecting the item by right-clicking and holding the Ctrl key enables the data to be displayed in a grid.


Displays the following options:

  • Layout: Displays a context menu allowing you to work with object property layouts and contains the following options:
    • Open: Displays the Open Layout Table dialog where the layouts for all the network objects can be accessed and a particular layout selected for display on the Object Properties Window.
    • Save locally: Saves the current layout, including group names, group order, property order, node button state (i.e., expanded/collapsed) on a user's machine.
    • Reset Object type (where Object type is the name of the type of object): Resets the layout for the current object to the factory default layout.
    • Note

      Factory default layouts are system default layouts, i.e. defaults that are applied when you first get our software. It is then possible to overwrite the factory default layouts with user-defined local layouts. Selecting Reset will restore the factory default layout for that particular type of object.

    • Edit: Displays in the Object Properties Window the layout for the object type of the network object whose properties are currently displayed.
    • Manage layouts: Displays the Manage Layout dialog, which can be used to select a layout to be loaded, saved or deleted. See Using the Object Properties Window for further information.
  • Options: Displays the Object Properties Window Settings dialog where various properties for the window, such as grid window and object copying parameters, can be set up.


Displays the following help options:

Object Properties Window

Using the Object Properties Window

Navigating Round Associated Objects

Object Properties Window Settings Dialog

Open Layout Table Dialog

GeoPlan Window

Commit History Dialog