Digitisation Template Menu

This menu is available when a Digitisation Template is the currently active window.

The menu options available are as follows:

Menu item


Update (get changes made by others)

Updates the current digitisation template with any changes committed by other users to the database. If conflicts occur a warning message will be displayed. See Getting Other Users Changes for more information. More...

Commit changes to database

Enables changes made in the current digitisation template to be copied to the database. The digitisation template will be updated with any changes made by other users. Any conflicts must be resolved before changes can be committed. See Committing Your Changes for more information. More... 

Revert changes

Enables all changes made since changes were last committed to the database to be discarded. See Undoing Your Own Changes for more information. More... 

Resolve commit conflicts

Enables conflicts between changes made to the digitisation template and changes committed by other users to be viewed and resolved. See Resolving Conflicts for more information. More... 

Show commit history

Displays the history of changes made to a network. See Viewing the Commit History for more information. More... 


Enables comparison of a digitisation template with another digitisation template, or with an earlier version of the same digitisation template. See Comparing Version Controlled Items for more information. More... 


Contains menu items that enable import of digitisation template data from external data sources. More...


Contains menu items that enable export of digitisation template data to external data files. More...

InfoAsset Manager Menus

Digitisation Templates