Edit Menu

The available options on the Edit Menu are as follows:

Menu item


Undo: action

Undo previous data transactions up to most recent update or commit.

The five most recent actions performed on data in the currently displayed window are listed. The most recent action can be selected for reversion.. More...

Redo: action

Redo previously undone data transactions up to the most recent update or commit.

The five most recent undo actions performed on data in the currently displayed window are listed. The most recent action that has been undone can be selected to be redone. More...

Copy object(s)

Copy the selected object(s) to the clipboard. Allows selected network objects to be copied from one network to another, or within the same network. The network object copy and paste facility is only available within a single instance of InfoAsset Manager. More...

Paste append object(s)

Paste appends the object(s) that have previously been copied using the Copy Network Objects command. More...


Copy the contents of the currently selected cells in the Grid Window to the clipboard. More...


Paste data currently on the clipboard into the Grid Window. More...


Rename the currently selected item in the database tree. Choosing this menu item will display the Rename Database Item dialog. More...


Delete the currently selected objects in the current Grid Window. Selected objects that are displayed in other grid windows will not be deleted. This operation cannot be undone. More...

Refresh view

Updates the view in the explorer window to take account of recent changes. More...

Copy/save View

Contains menu options to saves the current view (GeoPlan, Long Section or Graph) to the clipboard or a file, as a bitmap (BMP) or a Windows metafile (WMF). More...

Export to file

Exports contents of currently selected cells in a Grid Window to a CSV file. More...


Searches the current column in a Grid Window for a specified value. More...


Replace occurrences of one value in the current column with another value. Individual, or all occurrences may be replaced. More...

Find again

Repeats the last search made using the Find menu option. The search will be carried out in the current column of the Grid Window. More...


Opens the Property Sheet for the current item (the row in which the cursor is currently located) in the Grid Window. More...

InfoAsset Manager Menus