Explorer Window

The Explorer window is a hierarchical representation of the data within the current Workgroup and Standalone Databases. The window displays the database contents as a tree and provides a range of facilities to manage this tree data.

The Explorer window is a special type of window called a Dockable Window. For more information on using this type of window, see Using Dockable Windows.

To display the Explorer window, select New Explorer window from the Window menu or click on the icon in the Docking Windows Toolbar.

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Example of Explorer Window in InfoWorks ICM

When the Explorer Window is first opened, the tree view will display the Database at the top level of the tree. Double-click on a Group or Asset group icon in the tree to move the selected group to the top of the display. Click the icon on the Explorer Window Toolbar to move one level up the tree view.

Multiple Explorer windows can be opened. To open a Group or Asset Group in a separate Explorer Window; right-click on the group and select Open from the context menu. A new Explorer Window will be opened with the selected group as the top level displayed in the window.

The Explorer Window is composed of the following parts:

Database Items

Working with Database Items

Find in Database Dialog

Properties Dialog

Selected Hidden Object Dialog