Flow Survey Data - CSV File Format
The following Flow Survey time varying data events can be imported from CSV file format:
- Depth
- Flow
- Velocity
- Rainfall
This topic describes the appropriate format for these files.
Below is an example of a Depth time varying data in CSV format. All time varying data have a similar format. Rainfall data requires an extra Header Row as shown below.
Click on the image below to reveal the flow survey depth event CSV example.
Click on the image below to reveal the rainfall CSV example.
- The use of field headers allows for flexibility in the ordering of fields and permits fields to be easily omitted if desired.
- Units specification is optional. If the units are not specified then they are assumed to be the current user display units.
- Subevent Properties and Profile Properties are specified in the "Global" and "Local" rows of the file.
- An optional date/time column alongside the time varying value columns may be included. InfoAsset Manager derives the timestep from the relative values in the date/time column and inserts subevents at any point where the timestep changes.
- If the date/time column is not used, a fixed timestep and a start date must be specified. Multiple events can be imported from one CSV file; for each subevent include "Global" and "Local" rows before the sub-event values.
File Header Row |
Description |
This File Header Row is applicable to Rainfall only. FILECONT = 0 for rainfall TITLE contains the name of the event item. |
UserSettings UserSettingsValues |
Units and date-time format are specified in these fields. Units supported by InfoAsset Manager may be specified.
Where units are not specified, InfoAsset Manager assumes values in the csv file are in the current display units.
Sub-Event Properties |
The fields describing sub-event (global) properties are as below. G_NPROFILES, G_TS and G_START
The G_NPROFILES field is mandatory. If this field is incorrect, data will not be imported as expected. At least one of G_TS (the timestep value) and P_DATETIME (the date-time column) must be provided. If both are present the G_TS value is used in conjunction with the G_STARTvalue to determine hydrograph timesteps and start time.
Profile Properties |
The lines describing profile (local) properties are optional. If the csv files contains local properties field headers, a line for each profile must be included in the file (even if this is an empty line). Depth Data
Discharge Data
Velocity Data
Rainfall Data
Profile index |
The P_DATETIME (date-time) column is optional, but if present must be on the left hand side of the event values. At least one of G_TS(the timestep value) and P_DATETIME must be provided. If G_TS value is not provided the P_DATETIME column will be used to deduce values for the subevent start time and timesteps. Subevents will be automatically created where changes in timestep intervals occur in the P_DATETIME column.
The numbers following P_DATETIME in the header row number the profiles starting from 0. |