Asset Name Groups

Asset Name Groups allow the management of different naming schemes for assets within a network.


Please note that Asset Name Groups are not supported in Asset Networks.

Assets may be known by different names in different contexts. For example, a building project my have plans that number assets using a completely different naming scheme to that used in the InfoAsset Manager database. Asset Name Groups are used to map these IDs associated with local naming schemes to the object IDs used in the InfoAsset Manager database.

Asset Name Groups can be viewed and edited from the Asset Name Group Grid Window in the Asset Name Group Grid .

Details of Asset Name Groups to which an object is associated can also be viewed via the Name Groups Editor displayed from the Name groups field on the object's property sheet.

To create a new Asset Name Group, manually enter the corresponding data in the Asset Name Group Grid. Asset Name Group objects can also be automatically generated as part of the process of importing asset data via the Open Data Import Centre. See the Open Data Import Centre - Advanced Features topic for details.

Asset name group tables

Asset name groups currently support nodes, pipes and connection pipes only. The primary key of an asset name group is formed of the primary key field of the asset being referenced, plus a group type and group name.

The asset name group tables supported by Collection Networks are:

The asset name group tables supported by Distribution Networks are:

Selecting Asset Name Groups and referenced objects

Related objects of selected asset name groups and vice versa can be selected by using the Expand Selection functionality.

It is also possible to select all asset name group entries belonging to a specified type and name set and all their referenced objects:

All asset name groups with the specified group type and group name and their referenced assets will be selected. A message box will be displayed showing selection details.

Asset Name Group Data Fields (Collection)

Asset Name Group Data Fields (Distribution)

Select Asset Name Group Dialog

Open Data Import Centre - Advanced Features

Name Groups Editor