GeoPlan Properties - CCTV Defects Page

The CCTV Defects Page allows control of the display of CCTV Survey defects on the GeoPlan Window (Collection Networks only).

ClosedShow me

The display can be controlled to show:

For full instructions, see Displaying CCTV Defects on the Network Windows.

Section Description
Custom CCTV Code Display

The Custom CCTV Code Display grid gives full control over which types of defect are displayed:

  • check or uncheck the box in the Show column to show or hide a specific defect type
  • change the default colour for a defect type to make it stand out on the display
CCTV Defect Display

Select a general display option:

  • Display None - no defects will be displayed
  • Display Current - display defects that have the Show column checked and that belong to CCTV Surveys marked as Current.
  • Display All - display all defects that have the Show column on the grid checked

Check the Show defect labels option to auto-label all displayed defects with the defect code.

CCTV Grade Display

The CCTV Grade Display section gives a quick way to control the Show settings in the grid. Choose a Defect Grade between 0 and 5 using the spin control. Click on the Set button. This will check the Show column for all defects with a grade equal to or greater than the grade selected.

Set defect symbol size by selecting a size from the Size dropdown.

Click the Reset Colours button to set the colours in the Custom CCTV Code Display grid to their default settings.

CCTV Severity Code Display

Only displayed when CCTV standard is set to NZWWA.

Check the Show severity in labels option to display the severity code as part of the defect label. The severity code will be displayed in brackets after the defect code.

In addition to the other display settings on the page, the display of CCTV defects can be further refined to only display defects with selected severity codes. Select options to Show defects with severity:

  • ANY - display defects with any severity code. (All other options will be disabled.)
  • 'S' - display defects with severity code set to 'S'
  • 'M' - display defects with severity code set to 'M'
  • 'L' - display defects with severity code set to 'L'

GeoPlan Window

Displaying CCTV Defects on the Network Windows