Split CCTV Surveys Dialog

The Split CCTV Surveys Dialog is used when Splitting CCTV Surveys that have been carried out for a run of pipes. The CCTV Surveys created from this division are then associated with individual pipes in the network.

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Intermediate Nodes

Tick the Check intermediate node observations box to check that intermediate manhole or junction locations (distance from start manhole) recorded on the CCTV Survey correspond with the location of network nodes.

A check is made that CCTV Survey node observations are within the defined Max distance tolerance of a network node. If the node observation is outside of this tolerance, the CCTV Survey will not be split.

Node observation codes

A list of codes to be checked as intermediate nodes. The codes correspond to the CCTV Defect codes.

Checks are carried out that the number of network nodes between survey upstream node and downstream node matches the number of survey defect observations corresponding to the codes listed.

If the Check intermediate node observations box has been ticked, the location (distance from start manhole) of each defect observation with a code corresponding to one of the codes in the list will be checked against network node location.

The list of observation codes can be modified by using the buttons:

  • Add Code - select a code from the adjacent dropdown list and click the Add Code button to add an observation code
  • Delete Code - select a code from the main list and click the Delete Code button to remove an observation code
  • Reset - click the Reset button to reset the list to a default list

CCTV Surveys

Splitting CCTV Surveys