Splitting CCTV Surveys

The Split CCTV Surveys tool can be used to automatically divide a CCTV Survey that has been carried out for a run of pipes and therefore has intermediate manholes or junctions. The CCTV Surveys created from this division are then associated with individual pipes in the network.

To split CCTV Surveys:

  1. Select the CCTV Surveys to be split
  2. Choose Selection operations | Split CCTV surveys from the Selection menu. The Split CCTV Surveys dialog is displayed.

    ClosedShow me

  1. In this dialog:

A summary is displayed containing details of selected surveys, created surveys and any error and warning messages.

(CCTV Surveys may also be split when using the Updating the Network from CCTV Survey Data functionality or when inserting nodes into existing pipes.)


The Split CCTV Surveys tool is designed to work for simple runs of pipes without branches.

Splitting CCTV Survey Example

A CCTV Survey has been carried out for a run of pipes A-D.

The Split CCTV Surveys tool creates three new CCTV Surveys that are each associated with a single network pipe.

InfoAsset Manager searches paths from the upstream node of the CCTV Survey. For surveys that are successfully split:

Intermediate nodes

The Split CCTV Surveys tool checks that the number of intermediate nodes in the original CCTV survey corresponds with the number of intermediate network nodes between the start and finish manholes of the survey.


The intermediate node checks described above also apply to lateral nodes:

Laterals Example

CCTV Survey Defects Grid


The Split CCTV Surveys tool tests the lateral nodes (JN defect codes) as intermediate nodes.

Split CCTV survey failures

If a selected CCTV survey cannot be split, an error message will be displayed in the log summary. Selected CCTV surveys will not be split if:

Example of branch

A CCTV Survey runs from Node 1 to Node 3 with one intermediate node.

Running the Split CCTV Surveys tool will result in a failure as the trace will encounter multiple paths when it reaches node 2.

Looped networks

The Splitting CCTV Surveys tool is designed to work for simple runs of pipes. If there are multiple paths between CCTV survey upstream and downstream nodes due to loops in the network the results obtained from running the Split CCTV Surveys tool will depend in which direction the tool attempts the trace.

Example of looped network

A CCTV Survey runs from Node 1 to Node 3 with one intermediate node.

The results obtained from running the Split CCTV Surveys tool will depend on which path the tool traces from node 1 to node 3. If the trace is carried out via node 5, a failure will occur and the CCTV Survey will not be split.

Updating Pipe Condition from CCTV Data

Validating Networks

Split CCTV Surveys Dialog

Digitising Network Objects