Updating the Network from CCTV Survey Data

This tool searches for specified CCTV Survey defect codes and creates nodes at the defect locations. The update tool could be used for example, to automatically create nodes at surveyed connection locations.

The new nodes created can either be added as lateral nodes or inserted into existing pipes. When inserting nodes into pipes, there is also an option to automatically split the associated CCTV Surveys. Alternatively, the Split CCTV Surveys tool can be used subsequent to the update.

To update the network from CCTV Survey data:

  1. With the network open, select Update from CCTV surveys from the Network menu. This displays the Update Network from CCTV Survey Data dialog. ClosedShow me

  2. In this dialog:
  1. Click OK to carry out the update.

For each CCTV Survey, InfoAsset Manager checks for the Defect Codes selected in the Codes to Detect box. If one of these defect codes is found, InfoAsset Manager creates a node according to the options selected in the update dialog.

A Creating Nodes from Surveys log is displayed containing information on number of nodes, pipes and surveys created.

Connection pipe diameter

When creating connection pipe stubs, InfoAsset Manager will attempt to set the Diameter of the connection pipe from CCTV defect data where possible.

Using CCTV Survey Data

CCTV Surveys