Built In Validation Rules (Collection)

InfoAsset Manager provides a number of default validation rules.

The table below lists the default validation rules for a Collection Network, the error message that is displayed on validation, additional information (such as the name of the network object where the anomaly occurred) and the reason that the message has been displayed.

Rule ID





Node id is a reserved node name


ID of node is reserved for unknown or special nodes. See Reserved Node Names for further information.


Node id does not follow the expected network naming convention


Node ID does not follow the naming pattern set for Automatic Node Name Generation


Node has more than one outgoing pipe


Node is Upstream Node for more than one pipe


Node has more than one outgoing pipe with suffix 'X'


Node is Upstream Node for more than one pipe with Link Suffix = X


Outgoing pipe width is smaller than largest incoming pipe


downstream pipe US Width < upstream pipe DSWidth


Outgoing pipe invert is higher than incoming pipe invert


downstream pipe US Invert Level > upstream pipe DS Invert Level


Lateral distance from upstream node is outside the pipe length


Lateral distance from US Node < 0 or > associated Pipe Length


Lateral node references itself


Lateral node is referenced twice in the pipe property sheet, in the US Node ID or DS Node ID field of the Definition tab, and in the Node ID field of the Lateral Nodes tab


Lateral node references an unknown pipe


Pipe described by Node data fields: Lateral US Node ID, Lateral DS Node ID and Lateral Link Suffix, does not exist in the network.


More than one pipe connected to lateral node


Lateral Node has > 1 connected pipes


Pipe invert is inconsistent with the main pipe invert at a lateral connection point


Invert Level of pipe connected to a lateral node


Node is not on the pipe it's supposed to be laterally connected to


Node is not located on pipe described by Node data fields: Lateral US Node ID, Lateral DS Node ID and Lateral Link Suffix.


Pipe area downstream of node is smaller than pipe area upstream of node


Area of pipe downstream of node < Area of pipe upstream of node


  • Area of pipe downstream of node = US Height x US Width (regardless of pipeShape ID)
  • Area of pipe upstream of node = DS Height x DSWidth(regardless of pipe Shape ID)
175 Node is missing a coordinate Node An X or a Y coordinate is missing from the X coordinate or Y coordinate field.
176 Node has a bad coordinate Node The absolute value of the X coordinate or Y coordinate is greater than 1038.


Downstream node does not exist


The node specified in the DS Node ID field does not exist in the network.


Upstream node does not exist


The node specified in the US Node ID field does not exist in the network.


Both ends are connected to the same node


The US Node ID and DS Node ID of the pipe are the same


Incompatible System Types for u/s and d/s nodes


System Type specified for the upstream and downstream nodes of the pipe is not compatible.

Allowable combinations of system type:

  • US and DS node System Type identical
  • System Type Foul and Combined
  • System Type Surface and Combined


Invert is above cover level


US / DS Invert Level > Cover Level of US / DS Node


Soffit is above cover level


US / DS Invert Level + Height> Cover Level of US / DS Node


Branch has disconnected branches


Branch ID of connected links is not continuous along a branch. There may be a missing Branch IDor more than one set of connected links with the same ID.

See Defining Branches for further information.


Pipe is laterally connected to same pipe at both ends


The upstream node and downstream node of the pipe are lateral connections to the same pipe.


Pipe's US Shape ID differs from DS Shape ID


US Shape ID of pipe does not equal DS Shape ID of pipe.


Pipe's US width differs from DS width


US Width of pipe does not equal DS Width of pipe.


Pipe's US height differs from DS height


US Height of pipe does not equal DS Height of pipe.


Pipe's US pipe material differs from DS pipe material


US Pipe Material of pipe does not equal DS Pipe Material of pipe.


Pipe's US lining type differs from DS lining type


US Lining Type of pipe does not equal DS Lining Type of pipe.


Pipe's DS lining material differs from DS lining material


US Lining Material of pipe does not equal DS Lining Material of pipe.


Pipe has reversed parallel pipe


A pipe exists that is connected to the same nodes as the current pipe, but with the US Node ID and DS Node ID reversed.

280 Connection Pipe's associated Property does not exist Connection Pipe A Property with specified Property ID does not exist in the network.


Manhole survey is not consistent with manhole data

Manhole Survey

Manhole Survey Type / System Type is not the same as associated Node Type/ System Type


Manhole Survey pipe conflict:

Manhole Survey

  • upstream pipe US Node IDdoes not equal Incoming Pipes Node Referenceof Manhole Survey
  • downstream pipe DS Node ID does not equal Outgoing Pipes Node Referenceof Manhole Survey
315 Manhole Survey field not available for link type Manhole Survey

A value has been entered in a field in the Incoming/Outgoing pipes grid of the Manhole Survey that does not apply to the selected Incoming/Outgoing pipes Link type.

When Updating the Network from Manhole Survey Data this field will not be used to update the connected link.

320 MACP Connection pipes must have a pipe number specified    


CCTV Survey data not consistent with pipe data

CCTV Survey

  • Start Manhole / Finish Manhole does not correspond to US Node ID /  DS Node ID of associated pipe


  • Direction not consistent with associated pipe direction


CCTV Survey is not associated with a pipe in the network

CCTV Survey

The associated pipe described by the US Node ID , DS Node ID and Link Suffix fields does not exist in the network.


CCTV Survey upstream node is not in network

CCTV Survey

The node specified in the US Node ID field does not exist in the network


CCTV Survey downstream node is not in network

CCTV Survey

The node specified in the DS Node ID field does not exist in the network


CCTV Survey's defect distances are not in order

CCTV Survey

The values in the Distance column in the Defects grid are not in ascending order


CCTV Survey's defect video numbers are not in order

CCTV Survey

The values in the Video No. column in the Defects grid are not in ascending order


CCTV Survey's defect video times are not in order

CCTV Survey

The times in the Video Time column in the Defects grid are not in ascending order


CCTV Survey has unrecognised continuous defect text

CCTV Survey

A code entered in the CD column in the Defects grid is not recognised as a continuous defect code. This can be due to a continuous defect being entered without a number identifier. For example S or SZ has been entered where S2 should have been used.


CCTV Survey has incomplete continuous defect

CCTV Survey

This validation error can be caused by:

  • a start code for which there is no finish code below in the CD column in the Defects grid
  • or a finish code for which there is no start code above
  • or a change code for which there is either no start code above or no finish code below.

A continuous defect requires a start AND a finish code.


MSCC4 survey start node type (e.g. MH) should begin a survey

CCTV Survey

Applies to MSCC4 Surveys only.

The first Code in the Defects grid is not a start node code.


MSCC4 survey's start node type (e.g. MH) should be followed by a water level (e.g. WL)

CCTV Survey

Applies to MSCC4 Surveys only.

The start node of the survey is not followed by a water level code in the Code column of the Page grid.


Unless an MSCC4 survey is abandoned (SA), it should end with an end node type (e.g. MHF)

CCTV Survey

Applies to MSCC4 Surveys only.

The survey is not abandoned (code SA) and the last Code in the Defects grid is not an end node code.


MSCC surveys should contain one (and only one) VID defect

CCTV Survey

Applies to MSCC Surveys only.

There is no VID code or there is more than one VID code in the Code column of the Defects grid.


MSCC survey code VVR (or VID) does not contain any reference to a video file

CCTV Survey

Applies to MSCC Surveys only.

The VID survey code has no corresponding video file reference in the Video File column in the Defects Page grid.


2nd Size should be specified for this MSCC Shape

CCTV Survey

Applies to MSCC Surveys only.

The CCTV Shape type requires a second dimension, but a value has not been specified in the Width field of the Construction page of the CCTV Survey Property Sheet.


2nd Size not normally specified for this MSCC Shape

CCTV Survey

Applies to MSCC Surveys only.

The CCTV Shape type does not require a second dimension, but a value has been specified in the CCTV Survey Width field.


Diameter should be specified for this MSCC Defect

CCTV Survey

Applies to MSCC Surveys only.

Defect type requires a diameter value, but a value has not been specified in the Dimension 1 field of the Defects grid.


Diameter is not required for this MSCC Defect

CCTV Survey

Applies to MSCC Surveys only.

Defect type does not require a diameter value, but a value has been specified in the Dimension 1 field of the Defects grid.


Clock At should be specified for this MSCC Defect

CCTV Survey

Applies to MSCC Surveys only.

Defect type requires a Clock At value, but a value has not been specified in the Clock At field of the Defects grid.


Clock At is not required for this MSCC Defect

CCTV Survey

Applies to MSCC Surveys only.

Defect type does not require a Clock At value, but a value has been specified in the Clock At field of the Defects grid.


Clock To should be specified for this MSCC Defect

CCTV Survey

Applies to MSCC Surveys only.

Defect type requires a Clock To value, but a value has not been specified in the Clock To field of the Defects grid.


Clock To is not required for this MSCC Defect

CCTV Survey

Applies to MSCC Surveys only.

Defect type does not require a Clock To value, but a value has been specified in the Clock To field of the Defects grid.


Percentage should be specified for this MSCC Defect

CCTV Survey

Applies to MSCC Surveys only.

Defect type requires a Percentage value, but a value has not been specified in the % field of the Defects grid.


Percentage is not required for this MSCC Defect

CCTV Survey

Applies to MSCC Surveys only.

Defect type does not require a Percentage value, but a value has been specified in the % field of the Defects grid.


Intrusion should be specified for this MSCC Defect

CCTV Survey

Applies to MSCC Surveys only.

Defect type requires an Intrusion value, but a value has not been specified in the Dimension 2 field of the Defects grid.


Intrusion is not required for this MSCC Defect

CCTV Survey

Applies to MSCC Surveys only.

Defect type does not require an Intrusion value, but a value has been specified in the Dimension 2 field of the Defects grid.


Continuous defect already exists

CCTV Survey

A continuous defect flag has been used more than once. For example, S1 occurs more than once, or a continuous defect is being started after it is finished (e.g. F1 occurring at 5.0m, and S1 occurring at 10m) in the CD column of the Defects grid.


Continuous defect has got more than one entry at the same distance

CCTV Survey

Different continuous defect types have been set at the same distance in the CD column of the Defects grid (e.g. S1,C1 and F1 at a distance of 9.5 m).

468 CCTV survey's associated Connection Pipe does not exist CCTV Survey A connection pipe with specified Connection pipe ID does not exist in the network.


Acoustic survey's associated pipe does not exist

Acoustic Survey

The associated pipe described by the US Node ID, DS Node ID and Link Suffix fields does not exist in the network.


This pipe is crossed or overlain by another pipe or pipes


Pipes crossing or directly on top of one another


Pipe clean objects pipe not found

Pipe Clean

The associated pipe specified in the Pipes grid does not exist

552 Pipe Clean's associated Connection Pipe does not exist Pipe Clean A connection pipe with specified Connection pipe ID does not exist in the network.
570 Generator is associated with a pump station that isn't in the network Generator The associated pump station defined by the Pump Station ID field does not exist in the network.
580 Pump is associated with a pump station that isn't in the network Pump The associated pump station defined by the Pump Station ID field does not exist in the network.
582 Pump is associated with a pump group that isn't in the pump station Pump An associated pump object has Pump group specified that does not correspond to a Pump group in the pump station Pumps editor.
584 Pump group is blank or does not contain any pumps Pump station

An entry exists in the Pump groups section of the Pumps editor, but the Pump group field is blank


There are no associated pump objects with specified Pump group corresponding to a Pump group in the pump station Pumps editor.

594 Pump station survey is associated with a pump station that isn't in the network Pump Station Survey The associated pump station defined by the Pump Station ID field does not exist in the network.
596 Pump station mechanical maintenance object is associated with a pump station that isn't in the network Pump Station Mechanical Maintenance The associated pump station defined by the Pump Station ID field does not exist in the network.
598 Pump station electrical maintenance object is associated with a pump station that isn't in the network Pump Station Electrical Maintenance The associated pump station defined by the Pump Station ID field does not exist in the network.
750 Incident's associated Property does not exist Incident A property with specified Property ID does not exist in the network.
751 Incident's associated Node does not exist Incident A node with specified Node ID does not exist in the network.
752 Incident's associated Pipe does not exist Incident A pipe described by the US Node ID, DS Node ID and Link Suffix fields does not exist in the network.
754 Incident's associated Connection Pipe does not exist Incident A connection pipe with specified Connection pipe ID does not exist in the network.
756 Incident contains a resource which is blank or not found Incident

A resource that has been allocated to this incident does not exist in the network (Resource Grid Window of the Resource Grid) or its resource ID has been left blank in the Resource Details section of the task property sheet.

757 Incident contains a material which is blank or not found Incident

A material that has been allocated to this incident does not exist in the network (Material Grid Window of the Resource Grid) or its material ID has been left blank in the Resource Details section of the task property sheet.


Incident's associated work package does not exist


Work package specified in the Work package field of the Incident object does not exist in the network.

770 General maintenance object's associated Node does not exist General Maintenance A node with specified Node ID does not exist in the network.
771 General maintenance object's associated Pipe does not exist General Maintenance A pipe described by the US Node ID, DS Node ID and Link Suffix fields does not exist in the network.
772 General maintenance object's associated Connection Pipe does not exist General Maintenance A connection pipe with specified Connection pipe ID does not exist in the network.
773 General maintenance object's associated Property does not exist General Maintenance A property with specified Property ID does not exist in the network.
774 Problem with general maintenance object's associated asset General Maintenance The associated asset described by the Asset type and Asset ID fields does not exist in the network.


Monitoring Survey is associated with a pipe that does not exist in the network

Monitoring Survey

The associated pipe described by US Node ID, DS Node ID and Link Suffix fields does not exist in the network


Smoke Test is not associated with a pipe in the network

Smoke Test Survey


  • The associated pipe described by the US Node ID, DS Node ID and Link Suffix fields does not exist in the network


  • The associated connection pipe specified in the Connection pipe ID field does not exist in the network

(The associated connection pipe will only be checked if there is no associated pipe specified.)


Smoke defect observation is not associated with a smoke test

Smoke Defect Observation

An associated smoke test has not been specified in the Smoke Test field of the Smoke Defect Observation.


Smoke defect observation is associated with a smoke test which does not exist

Smoke Defect Observation

The associated smoke test specified in the Smoke Test field of the Smoke Defect Observation does not exist in the network.


Dye Test monitored pipe is not a pipe in the network

Dye Test Survey

The associated pipe described by the US Node ID, DS Node ID and Link Suffix fields:

  • Has not been defined
  • or

  • Does not exist in the network


Dye Test injection pipe is not a pipe in the network

Dye Test Survey


  • The associated pipe described by the Injection US Node ID, Injection DS Node ID and Injection Link Suffix fields does not exist in the network


  • The associated connection pipe specified in the Injection connection pipe ID field does not exist in the network

(The associated connection pipe will only be checked if there is no associated pipe specified.)


Drain Test's associated Property does not exist

Drain Test Survey

The associated property specified in the Property ID field does not exist in the network.


Drain Test's associated Sanitary Manhole does not exist

Drain Test Survey

The associated sanitary manhole specified in the Sanitary Manhole field does not exist in the network.


Drain Test's associated Storm Manhole does not exist

Drain Test Survey

The associated storm manhole specified in the Storm Manhole field does not exist in the network.


Drain Test's associated Sanitary Manhole has incorrect System Type for Sanitary Manhole

Drain Test Survey

The type of the sanitary manhole associated to the Drain Test and specified in the System Type field is incorrect (e.g. if the sanitary manhole associated to the Drain Test is in fact a storm manhole).


Drain Test's associated Storm Manhole has incorrect System Type for Storm Manhole

Drain Test Survey

The type of the storm manhole associated to the Drain Test and specified in the System Type field is incorrect (e.g. if the storm manhole associated to the Drain Test is in fact a sanitary manhole).


Drain Test's injection point is not within Property

Drain Test Survey

The Drain Test location, i.e. X and Y coordinates specified, is not within the boundaries of the associated Property.


Drain Test's None Observed field is not consistent with other observations

Drain Test Survey

The observations of dye recorded for this Drain Test are inconsistent (The None Observedcheck box cannot be checked concurrently with one or more of the other check boxes, and vice versa).


Pipe Repair is not associated with a pipe in the network

Pipe Repair

An associated pipe described by the US Node ID, DS Node ID and Link Suffix fields or an associated Connection pipe:

  • Has not been defined
  • or

  • Does not exist in the network


Manhole Repair is not associated with a manhole in the network

Manhole Repair

The associated manhole specified in the Manhole ID field:

  • Has not been defined
  • or

  • Does not exist in the network


Pipe Repair start length is outside the pipe length

Pipe Repair

Start Length field < zero or > associated Pipe Length


Pipe Repair length is outside the pipe length

Pipe Repair

Repair Length plus Start Length <> associated Pipe Length

912 Pipe Repair's associated Connection Pipe does not exist Pipe Repair A connection pipe with specified Connection pipe ID does not exist in the network.
913 Pipe Repair's associated CCTV Survey (before) does not exist Pipe Repair The CCTV survey specified in the CCTV survey ID (before) field does not exist in the network.
914 Pipe Repair's associated CCTV Survey (after) does not exist Pipe Repair The CCTV survey specified in the CCTV survey ID (after) field does not exist in the network.


Property's associated Sanitary Pipe does not exist


The associated sanitary pipe described by the Sanitary US Node ID, Sanitary DS Node ID and Sanitary Link Suffix fields does not exist in the network.


Property's associated Storm Pipe does not exist


The associated storm pipe described by the Storm US Node ID, Storm DS Node ID and Storm Link Suffix fields does not exist in the network.


Property's associated Sanitary Pipe has incorrect System Type for Sanitary Pipe


The type of the sanitary pipe associated to the Property and described by the Sanitary US Node ID, Sanitary DS Node ID and Sanitary Link Suffix fields is incorrect (e.g. if the sanitary pipe associated to the Property is in fact a storm pipe).


Property's associated Storm Pipe has incorrect System Type for Storm Pipe


The type of the storm pipe associated to the Property and described by the Storm US Node ID, Storm DS Node ID and Storm Link Suffix fields is incorrect (e.g. if the storm pipe associated to the Property is in fact a sanitary pipe).


Schedule task contains a resource which is blank or not found

Scheduled Task

A resource that has been allocated to this task (survey or repair) does not exist in the network (Resource Grid Window of the Resource Grid) or its resource ID has been left blank in the Resource Details section of the task property sheet.


Schedule task contains a material which is blank or not found

Scheduled Task

A material that has been allocated to this task (survey or repair) does not exist in the network (Material Grid Window of the Resource Grid) or its material ID has been left blank in the Resource Details section of the task property sheet.


Order contains a material which is blank or not found


A material that has been allocated to this order does not exist in the network (Material Grid Window of the Resource Grid) or its material ID has been left blank in the Order Details section of the order property sheet.


Scheduled task's associated work package does not exist

Scheduled Task

A work package that has been associated with this task does not exist in the network (Work package field contains an invalid id or has been left blank in the Schedule Info section of the task property sheet.


Approval level object requires more approvals than it has officers

Approval Level

The number of approvals specified in the Number of approvals field of the approval level object is greater than the total number of approving officers (Approving officer 1 to Approving officer 10 fields).

982 Problem with water quality survey's associated asset Water Quality Survey The associated asset described by the Asset type and Asset ID fields does not exist in the network.
985 Problem with general survey's associated asset General Survey The associated asset described by the Asset type and Asset ID fields does not exist in the network.
987 Problem with general survey line's associated asset General Survey Line The associated asset described by the Asset type and Asset ID fields does not exist in the network.


Problem with work package's associated asset

Work Package

The associated asset described by the Asset type and Asset ID fields does not exist in the network.
990 Cross Section Survey's associated channel does not exist Cross Section Survey The associated channel described by the Channel ID field does not exist in the network.
991 Cross Section Survey's associated channel does not intersect the survey Cross Section Survey The cross section survey geometry as described in the Section data editor for the survey does not intersect the associated channel link.
993 FOG inspection's associated property does not exist FOG Inspection The associated property described in the Property ID field does not exist in the network.

Validation Data

Validation Editor