Open Database Dialog

This dialog is used to:

And is displayed when:

ClosedShow me

Dialog description



Workgroup This option, when selected, indicates that you want to use a workgroup database. The following items are enabled:

Workgroup Data Server

Requires that the Workgroup Server software is installed and running as a service on the machine hosting the database.

Item Description

Server name:

The name of the machine hosting the database. This can be localhost to automatically find a server on the current computer.

Server port:The machine port used to connect to the database. Typically 40000 for a local host.
ConnectA button which attempts to connect to the server.

A read-only field which reports whether the connection to the server is successful, and shows information about the server (for example Success: SuperNumbat 2021.1.0.31 Snapshot 20200810_0600 Aug 10 2020)


This section is available when the connection to the Workgroup Server is established.

Item Description

A dropdown list which displays the names of any groups already created.

If databases have been assigned to groups, selecting the group here will only display, in Database dropdown, the databases in that group.

New groups are created at the same time as creating a database (see the description of New below).


A list of the databases available on the currently connected Workgroup Server.

If a group is selected in the Group dropdown, this list will show only the databases in that group. If no Group is selected, the names of all databases available on the server, including (if applicable), the name of the group they belong to, will be displayed in the list.

You can choose one of the listed databases, or a new one can be created using the New button, described below.


Opens the New Database dialog, in which you can:

  • select or create a new group which databases can belong to
  • specify the name for a new database
  • select the version of the database that is to be used for the new database

This option, when selected, indicates that you want to use a standalone database. The following items are enabled:

Item Description
(text box - read only) Displays the name of the standalone database, if one has been selected.
Browse Opens a standard Windows Open dialog that you can use to find an existing standalone database.
New Opens a standard Windows Save As dialog with a suggested location, name, and database version for a new standalone database. You can change the location, name, and database version if you want to.
Update to

Displayed when updating a database.

Lets you choose which version of the database that you want this database to be updated to. The available versions are listed in the dropdown.

Note: The oldest version available is 2023.0.

OK Saves any changes to the dialog and closes the window. The selected database will be opened in the Explorer window.
Cancel Cancels any changes to the dialog and closes the window.


Workgroup and Standalone Databases

Opening a Database as Guest