Options dialog - Clean Up page

The Options dialog allows you to change a number of features that apply across the whole program. The dialog is displayed by selecting System | Options.

The Clean Up page allows you to configure a schedule for a clean up of selected files on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. The applicable files will be automatically deleted the first time the system is logged into after midnight in accordance with the specified schedule.

ClosedShow image

Item Description
Clean up schedule
  • Disabled - (default) - No automatic schedule is configured.
  • Daily - Selected files are deleted once every day.
  • Weekly - Selected files are deleted once a week, on the day specified in the Every field.
  • Monthly - Selected files are deleted once every 4 weeks, on a date specified in the Every field.

For clean-up schedules set to weekly, the day (Sunday - Saturday) on which the deletion operation is to occur.

For clean-up schedules set to monthly, the date (1-28) on which the deletion operation is to occur.


Checked actions indicate which files are to be included in the clean up operation.

Recovery reports Deletes reports that are saved if there is a power cut for example.
All synchronized saved reports Deletes saved reports that have already been uploaded to the server.
All synchronized completed reports Deletes completed reports that have already been uploaded to the server.
All synchronized closed reports

Deletes closed reports that have already been uploaded to the server.

Tip: The above-mentioned closed status corresponds to the InfoAsset Manager status. Refer to the InfoAsset Manager Help for details (any survey, incident or repair data fields topic).

All synchronized previous report versions Deletes old versions of reports that have already been uploaded to the server.
Backup reports Deletes reports that have been created whenever a local report has been overwritten by downloading from the server. Backup reports constitute an emergency measure if a user accidentally overwrites a report to which they have made changes. Selecting this option removes these backup reports from your local drive.
Other applications

Deletes all the Applications but the current one. Selecting this option only deletes these applications, not the related forms, attachments and reports.

Orphaned attachments Deletes attachments that used to be linked to reports that have been deleted. Attachments linked to deleted reports are usually left on the local drive, in case they are shared between a number of reports and applications and in case the report gets downloaded in the future.
Temporary files Deletes attachments that may have been temporarily generated when creating forms and that may have been left around.
  • Delete all reports - (default) - no restriction is imposed and all files of the selected type are deleted according to the specified schedule.
  • Delete all scheduled reports outside scheduled duration only - deletes only scheduled files outside the specified schedule duration; non scheduled files are not deleted.
  • Delete all scheduled reports outside scheduled duration and all non scheduled reports - deletes scheduled files outside the specified scheduled duration as well as ALL non scheduled files.

About configuring InfoAsset Mobile

Setting options

Scheduling clean-ups