InfoAsset Mobile key concepts

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InfoAsset Mobile is intended for use with InfoAsset Manager, to ease the collection of asset data in the field and to facilitate the seamless transfer to an InfoAsset Manager database. Accurately monitoring the condition of assets is a crucial task for companies within the water industry and missing fields, poor handwriting and rain-drenched notes can be a real headache for person(s) involved in collating field data. Erroneous data often costs time and money, but now, with the introduction of InfoAsset Mobile, those days are gone!

InfoAsset Mobile enables you to make accurate, timely information available across the whole of your business. Our systems and leading edge smart mobile technology reduce manual data input and remove human error to manage risk and increase operational efficiency. This significantly improves the quality and efficiency of your data gathering in the field.
This leading edge technology reduces the need for double entry of data saving hours of administration time. Data is checked when entered so errors are virtually eliminated and the information can be used immediately.

InfoAsset Mobile comes in two flavours :

Note that the Office version can also be used on a hand-held device if the device uses a Windows operating system and its specifications are sufficient to run InfoAsset Mobile.

How it works

As the following diagram shows, the InfoAsset Mobile workflow can be boiled down to just a handful of steps. The real strength of InfoAsset Mobile is that you can fill in electronic forms / surveys to update your InfoAsset Manager database.

High-level diagram

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About creating forms and applications

About downloading, creating, editing, and uploading reports