Curve Number Model
The Curve Number model uses the approach adopted from the Natural Resources Conservation Service (formerly known as the Soil Conservation Service or SCS) Curve Number method for estimating runoff.
A full description of this method can be found in the SWMM5 Reference Manual (Hydrology), which can be downloaded from the EPA website.
To use the this infiltration model in a SWMM network, ensure that the Infiltration model in the Model parameters is set to Curve_number and that the following parameters are set for each subcatchment include in the SWMM network, which is to be modelled using this method of infiltration:
- Curve number. The same curve numbers can be used in a SWMM network as can be used in an InfoWorks one, and a comprehensive list of curve numbers is included in the Setting Runoff Coefficients from GIS Data topic.
- Drying time