Initial State Simulations

When a simulation is carried out, the state of an InfoWorks network at a specified date and time may be saved for use as the initial state in subsequent runs. Options for saving the network state are set in the Schedule Hydraulic Run View.

Initial states generated using job agents from InfoWorks ICM version 4.0 onwards can be used. See the Flexible state files section below for details.

Flexible state files

When using initial state simulations generated using job agents from InfoWorks ICM version 4.0 onwards, the following restrictions are applied if Start running from state time is checked in the Schedule Hydraulic Run View:

If the Start running from state time option in the run view is not selected, the current simulation may use a different network, network version or scenario to the one used to generate the initial state simulation.

A simulation loading a flexible state from a runoff only simulation will perform timestep initialisation to set the initial node levels, links flows and depths. Initial states for subcatchments will be set from the state, where applicable.

Error and warning messages

When running a simulation for a network that differs from the network used to generate the initial state simulation, error and warning messages will be output to the simulation log:

Error/Warning ID Warning Description
163 The current rtc file is not the same as the one used to produce the state file. Rules will be inactive initially. The RTC used in the initial state simulation does not match the RTC in the current simulation. The RTC in the initial state simulation will be discarded. Rules will be set to inactive initially.
760 The washoff routing method in the washoff state data is not the same as that chosen for this simulation. When running a water quality simulation, the setting for the Native Washoff Routing must be the same as for the initial state simulation.
784 Rainfall data does not match saved state. Number of profiles must be the same. The number of rainfall profiles in the rainfall event of the current simulation must match the number of rainfall profiles in the rainfall event used to generate the initial state simulation.
785 Run timestep > Run timestep in state; SIM does not support this in models that require a rainfall history. The run timestep in the current simulation must be equal to or less than the run timestep used to generate the initial state simulation for networks that need to store rainfall history (networks that use RDII unit hydrographs, or PDM and SRM with non-zero time delays).
786 SIM requires the same run timestep as used to create the state for LCM, ReFH, and/or unit hydrograph models.

The run timestep in the current simulation must match the run timestep used to generate the initial state simulation if:

  • The network contains subcatchments that use the large catchment routing model
  • The network contains subcatchments that use the ReFH routing model
  • The network contains subcatchments that store net rainfall histories (unit hydrographs)
798 Some selected pollutant components are not in the water quality state data. Cannot continue. When running a water quality simulation, the current run must use a subset (or all) of the determinants in the initial state simulation.
1120 Node <Node ID> is in the state but not in the network.

If a Node ID in the initial state simulation does not match any node in the network, the initial state data for that node is discarded.

1121 Link <Link ID> is in the state but not in the network. If a Link ID in the initial state simulation does not match any link in the network, the initial state data for that link is discarded.
1122 Subcatchment <Subcatchment ID> is in the state but not in the network. If a Subcatchment ID in the initial state simulation does not match any subcatchment in the network, the initial state for that subcatchment is discarded.
1123 No nodes or links in the state match the network. SIM will perform timestep initialisation. If the initial state simulation contains no nodes or links that match the network, timestep initialisation will be carried out as if there is no initial state file.
1124 Some nodes and links in the network are not in the state. SIM will fill in levels from known state nodes.

If an object is in the network but not in the initial state simulation, the following actions are carried out:

  • Initialise the object as if there is no state. For nodes set level to lowest outgoing invert, for links set flow to zero and depth to base flow depth in all computational nodes.
  • Propagate levels from nodes that have a level set from the initial state simulation.
1125 <Link ID> is a control in the state but is a conduit in the network. If a Link ID of a control in the initial state simulation corresponds to a conduit in the network, the initial state data for that link will be discarded.
1126 <Link ID> is a regulator in the state but is not a regulator in the network. If a Link ID of a regulator in the initial state simulation corresponds to a link that is not a regulator in the network, the initial state data for that link is discarded.
1127 SIM is interpolating data for link <link ID> from the values in the state, because computational nodes do not match.

If the number of computational nodes for a link in the initial state simulation does not match the number of computation nodes in the network, values will be linearly interpolated from the state.

For example, if a link is 120m long in the state, but 100m long in the network, InfoWorks will set the values at 50m from upstream in the network from the values at 60m from upstream in the state.

1128 Subcatchment <Subcatchment ID> used large catchment routing in the state, but a different routing model in the network.

If a subcatchment in the initial state simulation used the large catchment routing model, but a different routing model in the network, the initial state data for that subcatchment will be discarded.

Initial conditions from the rainfall event will be used instead.

1129 Subcatchment <Subcatchment ID> used ReFH routing in the state, but a different routing model in the network.

If a subcatchment in the initial state simulation used the ReFH routing model, but a different routing model in the network, the initial state data for that subcatchment will be discarded.

Initial conditions from the rainfall event will be used instead.

1130 Subcatchment <Subcatchment ID> has a snow pack in the state, but not in the network. If a subcatchment in the initial state simulation has snowpack data, but the subcatchment in the network does not, the snowpack data from the initial state simulation will be discarded.
1131 Subcatchments <Subcatchment ID> has fewer surfaces in the state than in the network; missing ones initialise from rainfall event. If the number of subcatchment surfaces in the initial state simulation is fewer than the number of subcatchment surfaces in the network, the extra surfaces in the network will be initialised from the rainfall event.
1132 Subcatchment <Subcatchment ID> has more surfaces in the state than in the network. SIM will discard data for the excess. If the number of subcatchment surfaces in the initial state simulation is greater than the number of subcatchment surfaces in the network, the initial state data for the excess surfaces will be discarded.
1133 Subcatchment <Subcatchment ID> <surface ID> runoff volume model in state and network differ; initialises from rainfall event.

If the runoff volume model for a subcatchment in the initial state simulation differs from the runoff volume model for the subcatchment in the network, the initial state data for that subcatchment will be discarded.

Initial conditions from the rainfall event will be used instead.

1134 Subcatchment <Subcatchment ID> used a different runoff routing model in the state.

If a subcatchment in the initial state simulation used a different runoff routing model to the routing model used in the network, the initial state data for that subcatchment will be discarded.

Initial conditions from the rainfall vent will be used instead.

1135 Subcatchment <Subcatchment ID> used groundwater infiltration in the state, but not in the network. If a subcatchment in the initial state simulation has groundwater infiltration, but the subcatchment in the network does not, infiltration data from the initial state simulation will be discarded.


Schedule Hydraulic Run View