GeoPlan Properties And Themes - General page

This page shows basic information about the GeoPlan, digitisation modes and the current map control.

This page is opened by right-clicking the GeoPlan and selecting Properties & Themes, then clicking the General tab.

Settings are used only for the current GeoPlan view. If the current GeoPlan window is closed, the settings will be lost (but see Network Editing Properties - Save Options dialog).

ClosedShow image

GeoPlan Properties and Themes - General page



Search Options

Check the Use Intelligent Network Search box to bypass the display of the Multiple Selection dialog when selecting objects on the GeoPlan where different object types overlay each other.

For example, with Intelligent Network Search turned off, clicking a node connected to links will display a selection dialog list of the node and connected links. With Intelligent Network Search turned on, clicking the node will select the node only.

Digitise Mode

You can turn on the various digitisation options on this page. These allow you to add nodes and links rapidly without having to add data to each object as it is created.



Initialise new objects with digitisation default values

Check this box to use defaults for newly created network objects. The defaults to be used are selected by mapping templates from a digitisation template to network objects using the Digitisation Default Selection dialog.

Show creation page for new objects

Uncheck this box to prevent the object naming dialog being displayed after the object is created. You need to enable automatic node name generation for this to work.

Show property page for new objects

Uncheck this box to prevent the object naming dialog being displayed after the object is created. You need to enable automatic node name generation for this to work.

Auto Name Generation Settings Click to edit node name generation settings. Clicking this button will display the Network Options dialog.
Map Control

This section shows the current map control.

You can view the About Box for the current map control by clicking the About button.

For details on how to change the current map control, see Selecting the map control.

Map backgrounds in the GeoPlan can be faded using the Visibility(%) dropdown. This setting does not affect printing, in which map backgrounds are always at 100% visibility.

Theme opening behaviour

Check the Show list of added and replaced themes option to display a log listing the changes to the set of themes displayed in the GeoPlan when loading saved themes.

Managing themes

GeoPlan Properties And Themes dialog

Selecting the map control

Digitising network objects

Setting default values

Multiple Selection dialog

Digitisation templates

Digitisation Default Selection dialog

Node Name Generation page

Network Options dialog