Grid Report (Non-Time Varying) dialog

This dialog is used to set up a grid report of non time varying results for one or more simulations.

The dialog is displayed when you choose Results | Grid reports | Non time varying results.

ClosedShow image

Grid Report Dialog

Item Description

For identifying one or more simulations to base the report on.

  • You can drag one or more simulations into the box from the Explorer window or Model Group window.
  • You can click the Browse (Browse) button to search for a simulation.
  • The (Delete selection) button can be used to delete items from the box.
Selection List

You can reduce the scope of the report.

  • You can drag a selection list into the box from the Explorer window or Model Group window.
  • You can click the Browse (Browse) button to search for a selection list.

If a selection is not chosen, the report will be generated for the whole network.

Report Type

The type of network objects to be included in the report.

Varies Fastest

If you have more than one simulation selected, this option changes the order of the columns:

  • Choose Simulation to have all the columns sorted by simulation.
  • Choose Field to have the columns sorted by field name.

Show Full Path in Column Header Displays the full path of the simulation object in the graph column headers. If unchecked, displays the simulation name only.
Produce Grid Generates the report.

Grid Reports

Displaying non time varying reports

Grid Report (Non-Time Varying) view