Manage Scenarios dialog

This dialog is used to manage scenarios.

The dialog is displayed when the Manage Scenarios (Manage scenarios) button of the Scenarios toolbar is clicked or when the Scenarios | Manage scenarios menu option is selected.

Note: The title of the dialog will display the scenario type being managed, that is, network or control.

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Information about the scenarios, including the name of the scenario and the number of objects included in it, are displayed in the grid window.

ID The name of the scenario.
Object Either the total number of objects in the Base scenario, or for all other scenarios, the total number of additional or "overridden" objects.

Only applicable for scenarios. The total number of objects in the Base scenario that are not included in this scenario.

Excluded objects and their properties can be viewed in the excluded objects grid. See the Excluded Objects Grid toolbar item.

Date The date on which the scenario was created.
User The username of the user who created the scenario.
Note The notes that have been added in the Edit Scenario Notes dialog about the scenario.
Exists Control/Network Indicates whether there is a matching scenario in the control/network.


  • You can copy the information from the grid to the Windows clipboard. Ctrl+C copies selected rows of data.
  • You can use the Crtl  and Shift keys to select one or more rows, and Ctrl+A if you want to select all the rows.
  • The header row and each selected row will be displayed as a separate line when pasted, for example, into a document, spreadsheet or text file.


Display in the GeoPlan the scenario selected in the left pane of the dialog. This makes the selected scenario current.

The Select button is disabled if the corresponding scenario in the chosen network/control pairing is not present in the chosen view.

The Select button is enabled when:

  • Geoplan has network/control and scenario name that exists in both.
  • Source view is not mixed (i.e., just network or just control).


Create a new scenario.


Delete the selected scenario.

This can be applied to a single or multiple selections but is disabled if the Base scenario is selected.


Compare the base network with the selected scenario or compare two selected scenarios between themselves


Make the selected scenario the base. The selected scenario becomes the base network and the scenario is removed.


Make a copy of the selected scenario and make it a new base. The duplicate becomes a brand new network with the selected scenario as the base network whilst the selected scenario and the original base network it is derived from are still present in the database and have not been edited or overwritten.

Tip: The Duplicate option differs from the Reintegrate option in that reintegrating overwrites the existing base network whilst duplicating results in the new base network, the original base network and the selected scenario existing side by side.


Rename the selected scenario.

This will be disabled if the Base scenario is selected.

Edit notes Display the Edit Scenario Notes dialog. Add or edit notes for the scenario.

Operations such as creating or deleting a scenario can also be performed from the Scenarios toolbar.
