Options dialog - General page

This page allows a number of features that apply across the whole program to be changed.

The page is displayed when you choose Tools | Options and select the General tab.

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Options - General page

Option Description
Windows at Startup
None Does not open any windows on startup
Reopen Previous On startup, reopens the windows that were open when the application was closed.
Open Default Workspace Opens the default workspace when the application is started again. The default workspace is set in the Explorer window.
Licence expiry date reminder Enables the display of warning messages when the licence is within one month of its expiry date.
Prompt for confirmation before exiting Enables the display of an "Are You Sure?" message when closing InfoWorks WS Pro.
Prompt for validation when committing version controlled items Enables the display of validation prompts when an object is committed. Now that pre-validation can be carried out as a job by the WS Agent, these prompts may be considered unnecessary.
Use GDI+ when drawing graphs (recommended)

Uses GDI+ for graphs.
High performance graphics may cause problems when printing graphs using GDI+, in which case you may want to turn off the use of GDI+.

Note: Non-solid lines on graphs cannot be used when GDI+ is turned off.

Show image in background

Shows the image that is displayed by default in the InfoWorks WS Pro background.

Hide image for remote sessions

Hides the image when the session is remote.

You may want to do this because the background image can slow down remote desktop sessions.

Use system theme fonts for dialogs and grids Uses fonts defined in the system theme for dialogs, property sheets and grids.

Allow in-place renaming of objects in tree

Enables in-place renaming of objects in the Model Group window tree view.

Note: InfoWorks WS Pro (or the Model Group window) may need to be closed and re-opened for changes to take effect.

With this box checked, you can rename an object by highlighting it in the Model Group window, clicking it, overtyping the existing name with a new one, then pressing Enter.

Use property editor for WS network objects

If checked, the properties of an object will be displayed in the Properties window when you click a network object using the Properties (Properties) tool.

If unchecked, the properties of an object will be displayed on tabs in a dialog.

Options dialog

Changing the selection colour


Setting the default workspace

InfoWorks WS Pro licences