SQL dialog - User Macros page

This page on the SQL dialog lets you create variables for representing values within the query. These variables are called macros.

The page is opened by clicking the User Macros tab on the SQL dialog.

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User Macros page

Item Description
New macro

New macro

Opens the SQL Macro dialog, for creating a new user macro.
Edit macro

Edit macro

Opens the SQL Macro dialog for the highlighted macro, so that the macro can be edited.

Tip: Double-clicking a name in the Macro Name column has the same effect.

Delete macro

Delete macro

Deletes the highlighted user macro.
Macro list
Macro Name (column) Lists the user macros created using the SQL Macro dialog.
Value (column) Lists the values corresponding to the user macros in the Macro Name column. The values are set in the SQL Macro dialog.
Other controls See SQL dialog.

SQL and stored queries