Update Criticality dialog

The Update Criticality dialog is used as part of the process of updating link criticality values from critical link analysis simulation results.

The dialog is displayed when Update criticality is selected from the Network menu.

ClosedShow image

Update Criticality dialog

dialog item Description

Critical Link Analysis Run

Run (drop target)

Use drag and drop or the Browse button to add a critical link analysis run. The remaining parameters will be automatically populated using data from the run (set in the Critical Link Analysis Options dialog when creating the run).

Browse Browse Click to open a dialog from which you can choose a run.
Clear Clear Click to clear the entry in the Run box.

Update button

Click to populate the Criticality and Criticality Count field of links in the current network.

The criticality and criticality count values of all links present in the base simulation (or links in the selection list, if Update Selected Links Onlyhas been chosen), will be cleared. The simulations will then be processed and matched against the criteria in the Criticality Criteria Grid. The matching grid value will be used to populate the Criticality field of the link.

The Criticality Count field will be populated with a count of the number of items that are critical. (This field will contain a count of zero, if the pipe is non critical.)

Critical Link Analysis Options dialog

Updating link criticality from CLA results

Critical Link Analysis