Closing pipes

InfoWorks WS Pro allows the user to close or to open any pipe within the network. Any disturbing effects to the network (like isolating a region with non-zero demand) are reported to the user with an appropriate message when running the simulation.

To set a pipe to be permanently closed:

  1. For the pipe you want to close, open the Pipe Closed Profile page of the Pipe property sheet.
  2. Check the Pipe Closed check box in the Pipe Status area.

To set the opening and closing times for a pipe:

  1. For the pipe you want to set opening times for, open the Pipe Closed Profile page of the Pipe property sheet.
  2. Click in the first cell of the Date Time column and enter a period start date and time.

    You can change the value manually, or use the date control on the right of the cell.

  3. Check or un-check the Pipe Closed box as appropriate for this period.
  4. Click in the next cell of the Date Time column and enter the next period start date and time.
  5. Check or un-check the Pipe Closed box as appropriate for this period.
  6. Continue to add period start points with the Pipe Closed option set for each one.

    The status at the last defined time point applies for the remainder of the simulation.

About closed pipes

About links

Pipe Closed Profile page