Opening a database object

You can open an object from the context menu, by drag-and-drop, or via the File menu.

Using the context menu

  1. Right-click the item to display the context menu.
  2. Click Open.

Some items also have an Open As menu item. If you click this you will be given a list of options for opening the item in different formats. For example, a simulation can be opened for replay with the GeoPlan window displayed, or as a text report.

Using drag-and-drop

  1. Click the item and hold the mouse button down.
  2. Drag the item onto the main window background. The mouse cursor will change from to if you are in a valid location for the drop operation.
  3. Release the mouse button to open the item.

Some items, such as a selection list, need to be dropped onto an existing item (usually a GeoPlan view of a network) to ensure that they are associated with the correct item.

Using the File menu

  1. Select File | Open | Open database item.
  2. Copy the full path of the item into the box (the full path can be obtained from the Properties dialog).
  3. Click OK.

About working with database objects

Properties dialog