Opening hyperlinked information

This topic describes the various methods of opening hyperlinked data attached to master database items and objects in your networks.

Opening hyperlinks on the database tree

  1. In the Explorer window or Model Group window, right-click the item and choose Properties.
  2. On the Hyperlink page of the Properties dialog, click the name (underlined and in blue) in the Name column of the grid.

    The hyperlinked file or internet page will be displayed using the appropriate application.

Opening network hyperlinks

Do one of the following:

If there are ten hyperlinks listed in on a context menu, but the one you want is not shown, open the Hyperlinks page of the object's property sheet to see all its hyperlinks.

If there are more than ten hyperlinks for an object, only the first nine are shown on the context menu. There is then also a More hyperlinks menu item. Click this to go directly to the Hyperlinks page of the object property sheet. You can access all hyperlinks from this page.

About hyperlinks

Network object property sheet - Hyperlinks page