About hyperlinks

You can associate external files or internet addresses with any item in the master database, and also with most types of object in an individual network. These external associations are known as hyperlinks.

This means that you can associate external documents, images, or web pages with items in the database, or nodes and links in the network. This data can then be accessed via the object and viewed or edited in the appropriate external application, such as Microsoft Word, or a web browser.

The list of hyperlinks for a database item or network object is managed on the Hyperlinks page of the object's property sheet. You can add, edit and access hyperlinks on this page. Hyperlinks for network objects can also be accessed from the GeoPlan window or the network object grid.


If a hyperlinked file is in, or below, either the remote files root  or the working folder, InfoWorks WS Pro stores the file path relative to that directory. Therefore, if the remote root or the working folder is moved, provided that the files are stored in the same location relative to the remote / local directories, the hyperlinks will still work.

Adding new hyperlinks

Editing hyperlink details

Listing all network hyperlinks

Opening hyperlinked information

Checking all hyperlinks

Deleting hyperlinks

Network object property sheet - Hyperlinks page