Naming nodes automatically

Node IDs can be generated automatically whenever a new node is added to the network. Additional options allow the renaming of some or all of the nodes in the network.

With automatic naming switched on it is possible to prevent the node name dialog being displayed every time a node is created. See Digitising network objects for more details on this and other time saving tools.

Activating automatic node name generation

To activate automatic node name generation:

  1. With a network open in the GeoPlan window, choose Network | Network options. This displays the Network Options dialog.
  2. Switch to the Node Name Generation page (if it is not already showing).
  3. Do one of the following:
    • To automatically name nodes based on coordinates, select Generate an ID using the following built-in method and choose a coordinate format from the dropdown list.
    • To automatically name nodes based on a custom pattern, select Generate an ID using the following custom pattern and enter the custom pattern into the accompanying box.
  4. See Node Name Generation page for descriptions of the coordinate formats and custom pattern variables.

  5. To activate the option, click OK.

To disable automatic naming:

Renaming existing nodes in the network

  1. Open a network in the GeoPlan window.
  2. If you want to rename only some nodes, select those nodes in the GeoPlan window.
  3. Choose Network | Network options. This displays the Network Options dialog.
  4. Switch to the Node Name Generation page (if it is not already showing).
  5. Set up automatic naming using either a coordinate format or a custom pattern.

    See Node Name Generation page for descriptions of the coordinate formats and custom pattern variables.

  6. Do one of the following:
    • If you want to rename all nodes on the network, using the selected automatic scheme, click Rename all nodes now.
    • If you want to rename just the nodes currently selected on the network, using the selected automatic scheme, click Rename selection now.

    This will display the Rename All Nodes / Rename Selected dialog.

  7. If required, select the options on the dialog:
    • To keep a record of the current node IDs, check the Keep a record of the old node IDs for reference box.
    • Choose to store the current node IDs in the User Text 1 or User Text 2 fields (this will overwrite any existing data in these fields), or to append the current node IDs to the Notes fields.
  8. To rename the nodes, click OK on the dialog.

Existing node IDs will be overwritten by the renaming process.

Node Name Generation page

Digitising network objects

Network Options dialog

Rename All Nodes / Rename Selection dialog