Custom Actions Dialog

This dialog is used to edit user and shared Custom Actions. It is displayed when you select Database management | User custom actions or Database management | Shared custom actions from the File menu.

Shared custom actions can only be edited by users with permission to change database-wide settings. If a user does not have appropriate permissions, the OK button is disabled.

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Dialog description

Item Description
Custom action Dropdown list of 10 custom actions
Action Title The Action Title will be displayed in the Custom action dropdown, in the Actions Menu and in the tooltips for the Custom Actions Toolbar.
Action Description The Action Description will be displayed in the Status Bar when hovering over the action menu items or toolbar buttons.
Select an object to apply for this action

Select a database tree object to be applied to the GeoPlan when the custom action is selected.

Either a tree object or Ruby script may be selected; it is not possible to select both.

or select a Ruby script to be run

Browse for a Ruby script to be run when the custom action is selected.

Either a tree object or Ruby script may be selected; it is not possible to select both.

Custom Actions

User Permissions