Custom Actions
Custom actions can be used as shortcuts to run tasks that are regularly performed. Each action can be customised to emulate the effect of dropping a tree object onto the current GeoPlan Window, or dropping a workspace object onto the main window. Alternatively, a Ruby script can be associated with the action.
There are two types of custom action:
- User custom actions - actions specific to each individual user.
- Shared custom actions - actions available to all database users. Shared custom actions can only be edited by users with permission to change database-wide settings.
The actions are properties of the database. Each database may have up to 10 actions of each type defined.
Editing custom actions
Note: Shared custom actions can only be edited by users with permission to change database-wide settings.
To edit a custom action:
- Select Database management | User custom actions or Database management | Shared custom actions from the File menu. The Custom Actions dialog will be displayed.
- In this dialog:
- Select the action to edit from the Custom action dropdown list.
- Optionally enter an Action Title. This title will be displayed in the Actions Menu and in the tooltips for the Custom Actions Toolbar.
- Optionally enter an Action Description. This description will be displayed in the Status Bar when hovering over the action menu items or toolbar buttons.
- Select a database tree object to be applied to the GeoPlan when the custom action is run. Alternatively, browse for a Ruby script to be run when the custom action is selected.
The database objects that can be associated with a custom action are:
- Asset Group
- Cost Estimator
- Custom Report
- Graph
- Ground Model
- Inference
- Label List
- Layer List
- Selection List
- Stored Query
- Theme
- Validation
- Workspace
Applying custom actions
To run a custom action on the current network, either select the menu option for the action from the Actions Menu or click the toolbar button for the action on the Custom Actions Toolbar.
The operation carried out depends on the type of object associated with the action:
- Database tree object (other than a workspace) - selecting the custom action has the same effect as dropping the database object onto the current GeoPlan Window
- Workspace - selecting the custom action has the same effect as dropping the workspace object onto the main window
- Asset group - selecting the custom action has the same effect as dropping all database objects in the asset group onto the current GeoPlan Window in turn.
- Ruby script - selecting the custom action runs the script