Layer Lists

GIS Maps or other background layers can be displayed behind the network in the GeoPlan Window to display all types of geographical information such as roads and buildings, surveyed maps, or even aerial photographs.

Layer Lists provide a way of saving a set of GIS layers as an object in the database so they can be easily reloaded with different versions of the network. For example, a set of stock layers can be created providing general information about the entire area covered by your organisation's modelling work, which can be loaded with every model.

The layer list only stores the path and filename to the file containing the map layer. If the files are moved from the location specified, InfoAsset Manager will be unable to reload them.

For other users to make use of these layer lists, the path to the files must be the same from whatever computer is being used. In other words, to share layer lists, the map files should really be on a network drive.


Note that if a map layer file is in, or below, either the Local Working Folder or the Remote Files Root directory, InfoAsset Manager stores the file path relative to that directory.

Creating a Layer List

The procedure to create a Layer List is as follows:

  1. Open one or more additional layers in the GeoPlan View to be included in the layer list.
  2. Right click on the Asset Group and select New | Layer list from the popup menu. This displays the New Layer List Dialog.
  3. Give the layer list a name and click OK

The new layer list contains all the additional layers currently loaded in the GeoPlan. These layers can now easily be re-opened with any network.

Opening a Layer List

Once a Layer List has been created, it can be reopened by the following methods:

Database Items

Additional GIS Layers