File Locations

This topic describes the locations where data and transitory data are stored when using InfoAsset Manager.


You should never have to do anything directly with any of these files. The details in this topic are for information only.


A database contains all the data for the project. The location of the various components of a database varies depending on which underlying database is being used:

Remote roots

The following additional files may be found in the Remote Root directories:

Remote Root

Files Stored in Remote Root

Remote Files Root

If GIS Layer files and hyperlinked files are stored in the Remote Files Root, Layer List and Hyperlink paths will be saved relative to the Remote File Root.

Local folders

Each database has a sub-directory of the local working folder containing transitory data. The name of the sub-directory is the Unique Database Identifier for the database. If using more than one database, there will be a sub-directory for each database.

The local working folder directory contains:

WDB files

These are local database files that each contain a network

Other files

Temporary files. Sometimes, these files are not cleared up properly.

To clean up these temporary files you should use the facilities provided within InfoAsset Manager. See Local Folders.


All the filenames follow the same pattern.

Workgroup and Standalone databases

Local Folders

Remote Roots