Proximity Trace

The proximity trace tool searches for nodes that lie within a specified distance of a pipe to which the node is not connected. This may indicate connectivity problems and identify locations where nodes should be connected into adjacent pipes.

The tool gives the option to analyse each occurrence, before correcting the connectivity by snapping the node to the pipe or the pipe to the node.

The following screenshot shows a proximity trace example:

ClosedShow me

The tracing process

To carry out a proximity trace:

  1. With a network open, select Tracing tools | Proximity trace from the GeoPlan menu. This will display the Proximity Trace View.
  2. Edit the search settings if required:
    • Distance - the trace will look for nodes that fall within the specified search distance of a pipe to which the node is not already connected.
    • Search area options - select the area of network to be searched.
    • Match system types - check this option to only include nodes that lie within the search distance of a pipe of the same system type as the node.
    • Vertex only - check this option to search for nodes that fall within the specified search distance of a pipe vertex only.
  1. Click the Search button to list nodes that lie within the search distance of another pipe and match the criteria selected above.

Processing detected nodes

Once the proximity search has been carried out, the results may be analysed before correcting connectivity.

Zooming in on a node

Select search results from the Results list of the Proximity Trace View by clicking on a row in the list. Hold down the SHIFT key to select multiple adjacent results or the CTRL key to select multiple non-adjacent results.

The GeoPlan Window will zoom in to the maximum extent possible showing all selected nodes and their adjacent pipes.

Correcting connectivity

To use the Proximity Trace View to snap nodes and links detected by the proximity search:

When using the Snap node to link option and splitting the existing pipe:

When using the Snap link to node option, the nearest point, (or nearest vertex if the Vertex only option is selected), on the adjacent pipe of each node selected in the Results list on the Proximity Trace View is snapped to the node. The lengths of the new pipes are calculated as above.

When adding a lateral node, the distance of the lateral node from the pipe upstream node is calculated by geometry.

Tracing Tools

Connectivity Trace

Proximity Trace View