Selecting Network Objects on the Grid Windows

When a row is selected on a Network Object Grid Window the network object it represents becomes selected. Selected network objects are represented by a red box in the left hand column of the grid.

Selecting Rows

To select a whole row or rows in a Network Object Grid Window:

To select the entire grid, click in the top left cell.

Working with Selected Objects

Once a selection has been made in the grid, the following operations can be carried out on the selected objects:


You can select individual cells or groups of cells on the Grid Window without it affecting the network object selection. You just cannot select entire rows.

The picture above shows a number of selected network objects (red markers) with a separate block of selected cells.

Displaying a Grid Window of Selected Objects

It is very easy to open Grid Windows that only display objects that are currently selected.

To open a grid showing only currently selected objects:

  1. Hold down the CTRL key.
  2. Click on the Grid Windows button on the Windows toolbar and select the appropriate grid option
  3. OR

  4. Directly select the appropriate grid option from the Asset Grid Windows Toolbar

The grids will display only those objects that were selected when the grids were first opened. The displayed objects will not change if the object selection is subsequently changed.

Network Object Grid Windows

Sorting Network Objects

Selecting Network Objects

GeoPlan Window