Automatic Pipe Name Generation

There is the option of automatically generating a pipe Asset ID (Collection and Asset networks) or Pipe ID (Distribution networks) whenever a new link is added to the network. By default, a new name must be typed in for every new link. Using this tool a number of naming schemes can be chosen, which reduce the length of time it takes to build network topology from scratch.

With automatic naming switched on it is possible to prevent the pipe name dialog being displayed every time a pipe is created. See Digitising Network Objects for more details on this and other time saving tools.

The automatic naming options are set on the Links tab of the Name Generation dialog.

To activate automatic pipe name generation:

  1. Choose Name generation from the Network menu. This displays the Name Generation dialog.
  2. Switch to the Links tab.
  3. Select one of the following options:
  4. Click OK to activate the option.

To disable automatic naming, follow the above procedure and select the option Do not automatically generate an ID for the new link.

Additional options allow renaming of a selection or of all the links in the network.

The ID Generation options are the same as those for automatic generation of node IDs. Where a location is required for generation of the pipe / link ID, the location of the start end of the link will be used. See Automatic Node Name Generation for full details.

Automatic Node Name Generation

Digitising Network Objects

Name Generation Dialog

Pipes (Collection)

Pipes (Distribution)

User Defined Objects